Good to see you!

Thanks for coming AND for supporting BTCCA!

Upcoming Movies & Events

On-screen advertising

Your Business, Group or Organization can reach a loyal audience with YOUR message being prominently displayed on our BIG Screen!

Just click below for detials and info about how we can team up, helping you to promote your brand effectively.

We’re looking forward to working with you!

Rent The Berwick Theater

Gatherings, Private Showings,* Birthday Parties, Assemblies, Regularly Scheduled Events and more! Virtually ANY Special Event!

Renting the Berwick Theater is just different…FUN, too! We’re happy to help you create memorable experiences in our beautiful historic venue.


* Details to be discussed and determined w/each request

A Bit About BTCCA

Check out a variety of videos and informative news articles all about ”The Berwick Theater and Center for Community Arts.”

Click “Learn More” for info/details about what makes BTCCA the unique venue that it is!


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-See the open/available positions.
-Check Back often for updates, should there be no currently-open/available positions.

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